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Work-In-Progress Report

It's been a while since I've written anything in my blog. Lots of things have happened such as my contemporary romantic comedy, A Total Mismatch - going into print in March. That was really exciting seeing the lovely cover Melody Pond produced for the book actually gracing the front. Now I'm working on my second contemporary romance - The Sweet Touch - a romance with recipes. I'm almost finished with the writing of the book but have lots of recipes to test out before including them. I plan on having one recipe at the end of each chapter, usually having something to do with whatever the heroine - Kate Bromley - is creating in her own kitchen or demonstrating to the public. I've tested some great recipes which I've ended up making several times because they taste so good. One of the recipes is a mock tuna salad that is scrumptious. Another is a no-bake fruit cobbler which I've made several times for dinners. I always think there'll be left-overs but with this dessert there never is anything left for me. Since there'll be 32 chapters in this book I have to come up with the same number of recipes. Right now I have about six that are very tasty and will definitely be included. That leaves another twenty-six to go - which seems daunting at the moment. However, I'll forge ahead and try to accomplish my goals. The next dish I'm going to test is a corn and potato chowder. First I have to simplify the recipe as readers probably will try the easier ones first. For myself, if I see too many ingredients in a dish, it puts me off. I like simple and easy to prepare recipes. To give you an inside idea of what The Sweet Touch is about, the heroine, Kate Bromley, is a nutritionist who believes a mostly raw food diet is the way to go. The hero, Dan Brookhouse, owns a chain of restaurants specializing in steaks. Of course there's more to the story and, once the novel is completed, I'll post the first chapter on my website - Meanwhile, back to the kitchen to test more wonderful recipes for my latest WIP.


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